Drainage and Plumbing Systems

Drainage and Plumbing Systems May 13, 2021 Drainage and Plumbing Systems Admin 390 view(s)

Drainage and Plumbing Systems

The whole water system that supplies water through pipes to various areas in the home like kitchen and bathroom is called a plumbing system. The wastes including human waste leaves your home through the drainage system.

In most buildings the pipes used are made of copper, CPVC GI and HDPE. However, the CPVC are most common because they are light in weight, easy to install, do not rust, are easy to maintain and less costly.

As you consider the plumbing system in your home, get advice from an expert. In most locations, water is supplied to an underground tank by the local authorities or through supply lines, then it is pumped to a tank on the roof then the water flows to the various outlets through gravity. However, All Day Plumbing can install a pump which eliminates the overhead tank. Installing a pump assures you of uninterrupted flow of water in your premises.

For a building with multiple floors, these tanks enable all floors to have the same water pressure unlike the distribution by gravity which supplies the low apartments with higher pressure. Additionally, there is energy conserved because the water will not be pumped to the highest floor then let to flow down again through gravity. For this system to operate efficiently, All Day Plumbing is suitable in installing a generator.

Types of Pumps

A plumber inner west will advise you on the availability of two pumps. Namely:

Open and submersible pumps.

The submersible pumps are usually used while submerged in water and require minimal maintenance. 

Drainage System

There are two types of drainage system.

  • First one is from washing machines, basins, showers and sinks. It is also known as grey water. The pipes used are 75mm in diameter.
  • The second type is mostly from urinals and its sewage .Another name for it, is black water. The pipes used have a minimal diameter of 100mm. When these pipes containing black water are placed horizontally, they should steep a bit because of the solids. Pipes made of PVC or cast iron are used.

Grease can cause clogging and should be trapped before entering the main drainage system. All Day Plumbing builds a small chamber known as a grease trap. The normal grey water will pass but the grease will remain and can be removed manually.

The ceramic pipes are used to transport waste water externally through soil. If there is a blockage a plumber will clean up through the manholes and reorganize the pipes if necessary. For properties outside the city, a septic tank is used. There are various compartments that make up a septic tank and are rectangular in shape. The raw sewage can be removed manually. From the septic tank the effluent goes into a soak pit. The pit has porous walls and it cylindrical in shape. Due to its porous walls a soak pit should not be placed near a water body or supply pipe.

For the disposal of large amounts of black water, a sewage treatment plant is recommended. In the plant, water and sludge are divided. The water can be used for irrigation purposes but shouldn’t be used for home use.

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